CAT Levels 1 – 3 (Complete Levels)


Avail all three (3) NIAT CAT Levels and get Php 3,000 discount.


Certified Accounting Technician (CAT®) Program

The CAT® Program is a globally recognized program of the National Institute of Accounting Technicians (NIAT) that grants the CAT® designation to the successful professional here and abroad.

This 3 Level Program focuses on developing a strong base of technical accounting knowledge and skills; analytical, organizational and inter-personal skills; and professional values essential for today’s successful accounting professionals.

The CAT® Program is designed to be an intensive accounting program that will equip the participant all the necessary skills for real life accounting work. The CAT® Program is recognized to be equivalent to the CAT® designations of different institutes around the world, giving NIAT’s CAT®s access to membership resources, and recognition in countries such as Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Malaysia, India, and the Middle East.